- Ramon Llull University
- IQS School of Management
- Quantitative Methods Department
- Chair of Ethics and Christian Thought
- Applied Data Analytics and Modelling IQS
- Department of Economics and Business Finance
- Business Management Department
- Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management
- Consumer Behavior Perspectives
- Research Group in Tourism, Sustainability and Innovation
- Research Group on Corporate Governance
- Sustainability, Economics, and Ethics
- IQS School of Engineering
- Department of Industrial Engineering
- Chemical Engineering and Materials Science Department
- Department of Analytical and Applied Chemistry
- Department of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- Bioengineering Department
- Quantitative Methods Department
- Chair of Ethics and Christian Thought
- Applied Data Analytics and Modelling IQS
- Applied Mechanics and Advanced Manufacturing
- Applied Photobiological Chemistry
- Chemical Reactions for Innovative Solutions
- Electroquímica i bioanàlisi
- Grup d'Enginyeria de Materials
- Grup d'Enginyeria de Productes Industrials
- Grup d'Enginyeria i Simulació de Processos Ambientals
- Grup d'Enginyeria Vascular i Biomedicina Aplicada
- Grup de Química Biològica i Biotecnologia
- Grup de Química Farmacèutica
- Sustainability, Economics, and Ethics
- IQS School of Management
- Blanquerna
- Blanquerna School of Health Sciences
- Blanquerna School of Psychology, Education and Sports Sciences
- Sport Science and Sport Management Department
- Department of Educational Sciences
- Psychology and Speech Therapy Department
- Comunicació i Salut
- Grup de Recerca de Parella i Família
- Grup de Recerca en Educació, Didàctica i Aprenentatge
- Grup de recerca en Organització, persona i canvi
- Grup de Recerca en Pedagogia, Societat i Innovació amb el suport de les TIC
- Grup de Recerca i Innovació en Esport i Societat
- Psicologia, Persona i Context
- Salut, Activitat Física i Esport
- Seminari Interuniversitari sobre Identitat i Noves Trajectòries Educatives
- Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations
- Department of Communication and International Relations
- Digilab: Media, Strategy and Regulation
- Estudis de cultura i comunicació
- Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Globalisation, Conflict, Development & Security
- Grup de recerca en Estratègia i Creativitat en Publicitat i Relacions Públiques
- Society, Technology, Religion and Media
- La Salle
- Esade
- Esade Business School
- Business Network Dynamics
- Group of Research in Economics and Finance
- Grup de Recerca de l'Institut d'Innovació Social
- Grup de Recerca en Gestió Turística
- Grup de recerca en iniciativa emprenedora
- Grup de Recerca en Lideratge i Innovació en la Gestió Pública
- Institute for Data-Driven Decisions
- Institute for Innovation and Knowledge Management
- Department of Economics, Finance and Accounting
- Department of Society, Politics and Sustainability
- Department of Strategy and General Management
- Department of People Management and Organisation
- Department of Marketing
- Department of Operations, Innovation and Data Sciences
- Leadership Development Research Center
- Esade Law School
- Esade Business School
- Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work
- Ebro Observatory University Institute
- Vidal i Barraquer University School of Mental Health
- Borja Institute of Bioethics
- ESDi Higher School of Design (affiliated center)
- Càtedra Ethos