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Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):
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Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
Human-Environment Research: Human-Environment Research
Guasch Fortuny, O. (PI), Alsina Pagès, R. M. (Research), Alías Pujol, F. (Research), Amo Filvà, D. (Research), Arnal Huguet, M. (Research), Arnela Coll, M. (Research), Canaleta Llampallas, X. (Research), Caro Via, S. (Research), Costa Jutglar, G. (Research), Dalmau Barberá, J. (Research), De Cerqueira Leite Duboc, A. L. (Research), De Renteria Cano, I. (Research), De Torres Gómez, E. (Research), Egea Izquierdo, J. (Research), Fernández Somoza, G. (Research), Ferrando Bramona, J. (Research), Fonseca Escudero, D. (Research), Freixes Guerreiro, M. (Research), Gonzalez Alzate, A. (Research), Guerrero Mosquera, C. (Research), Heredia Lidón, Á. (Research), Hernández Mola, M. (Research), Iriondo Sanz, I. (Research), Llauró Moliner, A. (Research), Madrazo Agudin, L. (Research), Mallol Parera, R. (Research), Martin Cojo, A. M. (Research), Martí Audí, N. (Research), Martí Roca, J. (Research), Martín Tost, X. (Research), Martínez Duran, A. (Research), Martínez Suquia, C. J. (Research), Membrado Fité, L. (Research), Miralles Esteban, D. (Research), Montero Morales, J. A. (Research), Necchi -, S. (Research), Pereira Vivas, L. E. (Research), Peña Camarillas, E. (Research), Ruiz Del Rosario, C. (Research), Salgado Rodríguez, M. (Research), Sevillano Domínguez, X. (Research), Sicilia Gómez, Á. (Research), Socoró Carrié, J. C. (Research), Sánchez -, M. V. (Research), Torres Kompen, R. (Research), Vidaña Vila, E. (Research), Villa Fernández, G. (Research), Villagrasa Falip, S. (Research) & Devesa Devesa, R. (Research)
Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR)
1/01/22 → 30/06/25
Project: Research Groups and Network Grants › Research Groups
Autorregulación en el proceso de aprendizaje: Regulando el riesgo de abandono temprano
Fonseca Escudero, D. (PI), Aláez Martínez, M. A. M. (PI), Martínez Felipe, M. (PI), Llauró Moliner, A. (Research), Villa Fernández, G. (Research), Montero Morales, J. A. (Research), Simón Grábalos, D. (Research), Sanchez Sepulveda, M. (Research), Pérez-Macías Martín, N. (Research), Reyes Corripio (Research), Canales Cano, S. (Research), García González, A. (Research), Gallastegi Aranzabal, C. (Research), Herrán Ortiz, A. I. (Research) & Intxaurbe Vitorica, J. R. (Research)
1/06/23 → 31/05/24
Project: Internal grants/own calls › Projects
Academic Analytics applied in the study of the relationship between the initial profile of undergraduate students and early drop-out rates in order to improve tutorial support processes. ASPA4DOR
Fonseca Escudero, D. (PI), Romero Yesa, S. (PI), Torres Lucas, J. (PI), Llauró Moliner, A. (Research), Villa Fernández, G. (Research), Montero Morales, J. A. (Research), Simón Grábalos, D. (Research), Sánchez -, M. V. (Research), Villegas Portero, E. (Research), Canaleta Llampallas, X. (Research), Torres Kompen, R. (Research), Aláez Martínez, M. A. M. (Research), Galán Espiga, B. (Research), Jacob Taquet, I. (Research), Mugica Arrien, A. (Research), Sainz Bedoya, N. (Research), Arriola Echániz, N. (Research), Gallastegi Aranzabal, C. (Research), Herrán Ortiz, A. I. (Research), Intxaurbe Vitorica, J. R. (Research), Martínez Felipe, M. (Research), Jeffrey Campbell, S. (Research), Pérez-Macías Martín, N. (Research), Reyes Corripio (Research), Canales Cano, S. (Research) & García González, A. (Research)
1/06/22 → 31/05/23
Project: Internal grants/own calls › Projects
GRETEL: Grup de Recerca en Technology Enhanced Learning
Fonseca Escudero, D. (PI), Amo Filvà, D. (Research), Jurado Cojo, E. (Research), Martín Nieva, H. (Research), Navarro Delgado, I. (Research), Petchamé Sabartés, J. (Research), Peña Camarillas, E. (Research), Villegas Portero, E. (Research), Iriondo Sanz, I. (Research), Montero Morales, J. A. (Research), Torres Kompen, R. (Research), Villagrasa Falip, S. (Research), Alsina Claret, M. (Research), Simón Grábalos, D. (Research), Villa Fernández, G. (Research), Canaleta Llampallas, X. (Research), Necchi -, S. (Research), Llauró Moliner, A. (Research), Olivella Morillo, R. (Research) & De Torres Gómez, E. (Research)
Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR)
1/01/17 → 31/12/21
Project: Research Groups and Network Grants › Research Groups
EduGAME4CITY: 3D gamification design using virutal reality for improving the motivation, social and spatial user's competencies.
Fonseca Escudero, D. (PI), Canaleta Llampallas, X. (Research), Climent Ferrer, A. (Research), Martí Audí, N. (Research), Montero Morales, J. A. (Research), Navarro Delgado, I. (Research), Peña Camarillas, E. (Research), Vicent Safont, L. (Research) & Villagrasa Falip, S. (Research)
Agencia Estatal de Investigación
30/12/16 → 29/06/21
Project: Research Grants › Research
A Literature Review on Coaching Methods for Tutoring Students in Undergraduate Education
Villa, G., Montero, J. A., Solé-Beteta, X. & Navarro, J., Aug 2024, In: Education Sciences. 14, 8, 909.Research output: Indexed journal article › Review › peer-review
Open Access -
Collaborative Design of Urban Spaces Uses: From the Citizen Idea to the Educational Virtual Development
Sanchez-Sepulveda, M. V., Fonseca, D., Franquesa, J., Redondo, E., Moreira, F., Villagrasa, S., Peña, E., Martí, N., Canaleta, X. & Montero, J. A., 2019, Human-Computer Interaction. Design Practice in Contemporary Societies - Thematic Area, HCI 2019, Held as Part of the 21st HCI International Conference, HCII 2019, Proceedings. Kurosu, M. (ed.). Springer Verlag, p. 253-269 17 p. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); vol. 11568 LNCS).Research output: Book chapter › Conference contribution › peer-review
10 Citations (Scopus) -
Developing a videogame for learning signal processing and project management using project-oriented learning in ICT engineering degrees
Iriondo, I., Montero, J. A., Sevillano, X. & Socoró, J. C., Oct 2019, In: Computers in Human Behavior. 99, p. 381-395 15 p.Research output: Indexed journal article › Article › peer-review
10 Citations (Scopus) -
Data analysis of coaching and advising in undergraduate students. An analytic approach
Fonseca, D., Montero, J. A., Guenaga, M. & Mentxaka, I., 2017, Learning and Collaboration Technologies: Technology in Education - 4th International Conference, LCT 2017 Held as Part of HCI International 2017, Proceedings. Zaphiris, P. & Ioannou, A. (eds.). Springer Verlag, p. 269-280 12 p. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); vol. 10296 LNCS).Research output: Book chapter › Conference contribution › peer-review
7 Citations (Scopus) -
Technological needs calling for the application of coaching in university advising: Functional proposal
Montero, J. A., Fonseca, D., Vicent, L., Climent, A., Canaleta, X. & Villagrasa, S., 2 Nov 2016, Proceedings - TEEM 2016: 4th International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality. Garcia-Penalvo, F. J. (ed.). Association for Computing Machinery, p. 665-669 5 p. (ACM International Conference Proceeding Series; vol. 02-04-November-2016).Research output: Book chapter › Conference contribution › peer-review
2 Citations (Scopus)