Projects per year
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Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):
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Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
GESPA: Grup d'Enginyeria i Simulació de Processos Ambientals
González Olmos, R. (PI), Auset Vallejo, M. (Research), Codera Pastor, M. V. (Research), Díaz Ferrero, J. (Research), Fernández García, J. (Research), Gasser Rubinat, M. M. (Research), Gómez Canela, C. (Research), Martí Ibàñez, R. (Research), Montaña Castillo, M. J. (Research), Ortiz Almirall, X. (Research), Palmer Comas, D. (Research), Pou Ibar, J. O. (Research), Ulanova, E. (Research), Asensio Ramírez, Y. (Research), Vázquez Vázquez, D. (Research) & Calvo Serrano, R. (Research)
Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR)
1/01/22 → 30/06/25
Project: Research Groups and Network Grants › Research Groups
Desenvolupament de metodologies analítiques per a la determinació de retardants de flama emergents en aigües i aplicació al seguiment de la degradació d'aquests contaminants mitjançant electro-oxidació
Díaz Ferrero, J. (PI), González Olmos, R. (Research) & Martí Ibàñez, R. (Research)
1/01/17 → 31/12/17
Project: Internal grants/own calls › Projects
GESPA: Grup d'Enginyeria i Simulació de Processos Ambientals
Díaz Ferrero, J. (PI), Llovell Ferret, F. L. (Research), Auset Vallejo, M. (Research), González Olmos, R. (Research), Pou Ibar, J. O. (Research), Martí Ibàñez, R. (Research), Montaña Castillo, M. J. (Research), Gasser Rubinat, M. M. (Research), Ortiz Almirall, X. (Research), Fernández García, J. (Research), Palmer Comas, D. (Research) & Palmer Comas, D. (Research)
Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR)
1/01/17 → 31/12/21
Project: Research Groups and Network Grants › Research Groups
Estudi de la formació de contaminants en els procesos de piròlisi de biomassa.
Díaz Ferrero, J. (PI), Pou Ibar, J. O. (Research), Broto Puig, F. (Research) & Martí Ibàñez, R. (Research)
1/01/15 → 31/12/15
Project: Internal grants/own calls › Projects
IQS-SAMA: Grup IQS per a la Seguretat Alimentària i Mediambiental
Díaz Ferrero, J. (PI), Blanco Roca, M. J. (Research), Báguena Polo, J. (Research), Comellas Riera, L. (Research), Broto Puig, F. (CoPI), Margarit Roig, L. (Research), Ribas Font, M. C. (Research), Martí Ibàñez, R. (Research), Montaña Castillo, M. J. (Research), Gotor Navarra, G. (Research) & Gasser Rubinat, M. M. (Research)
Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR)
1/01/14 → 30/04/17
Project: Research Groups and Network Grants › Research Groups
Impact of legacy and unintentionally produced polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in effluents from two wastewater treatment plants in rivers near Barcelona, Spain
Ulanova, E., Martí Ibáñez, R., Domínguez-García, P., Díaz-Ferrero, J., Gomez-Canela, C. & Ortiz Almirall, X., 15 Nov 2024, In: Science of the Total Environment. 951, 10 p., 175095.Research output: Indexed journal article › Article › peer-review
1 Citation (Scopus) -
Determination of Dechlorane Plus and related compounds (dechlorane 602, 603 and 604) in fish and vegetable oils
Von Eyken, A., Pijuan, L., Martí, R., Blanco, M. J. & Díaz-Ferrero, J., 1 Feb 2016, In: Chemosphere. 144, p. 1256-1263 8 p.Research output: Indexed journal article › Article › peer-review
13 Citations (Scopus) -
Levels of Dechlorane Plus and related compounds in food samples. Estimation of daily intake.
Díaz Ferrero, J., Terrats Pijuan, G., Serret Puig, R., Von Eyken, A., Pijuan, L., Casanova Martí, R. & Martí Ibàñez, R., 2016, Organohalogen Compounds, 78, p. 498-502 5 p.Research output: Not indexed journal article › Article
Study of the formation of dioxins, furans, and PCBs in production of biochar and biooil from agricultural waste.
Martí Ibàñez, R., Díaz Ferrero, J., Martí Ibàñez, R. & Pou Ibar, J. O., 2016, In: Organohalogen Compounds. 78, p. 1042-1045 4 p.Research output: Indexed journal article › Article
Elimination of persistent organic pollutants from fish oil with solid adsorbents
Ortiz, X., Carabellido, L., Martí, M., Martí, R., Tomás, X. & Díaz-Ferrero, J., Feb 2011, In: Chemosphere. 82, 9, p. 1301-1307 7 p.Research output: Indexed journal article › Article › peer-review
21 Citations (Scopus)