The Vegetarian and Vegan Communities Supporting Sustainability Through Responsible Consumption

H. Gendel-Guterman, B. Derqui

Producció científica: Capítol de llibreContribució a congrés/conferènciaAvaluat per experts

2 Cites (Scopus)


Plant-based diets are more and more popular across the world, together with the growing concern of consumers towards environmental issues and animal welfare. In this context, a better understanding of vegetarian and vegan consumer motivations and buying behaviour is required. Aiming to fill in this gap in the literature, a quantitative analysis was performed among 628 vegetarians and vegan consumers in Israel and Spain. Results show that the main motivation for following a meat-free diet is animal welfare, followed by environmental concern and health concerns. Vegan motivations are significantly stronger compared to those of vegetarians. Only a few relevant differences were observed between the two countries. Most vegans and many vegetarians in both countries avoid purchasing unsustainable products, particularly leather or cosmetics that have been tested on animals, thus protecting both animals and the environment.

Idioma originalAnglès
Títol de la publicacióAdvances in National Brand and Private Label Marketing - 8th International Conference, 2021
EditorsFrancisco J. Martínez-López, Juan Carlos Gázquez-Abad
EditorSpringer Science and Business Media B.V.
Nombre de pàgines12
ISBN (imprès)9783030769345
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 2021
Esdeveniment8th International Conference on Research on National Brand and Private Label Marketing, NB and PL 2021 - Virtual, Online
Durada: 22 de juny 202123 de juny 2021

Sèrie de publicacions

NomSpringer Proceedings in Business and Economics
ISSN (imprès)2198-7246
ISSN (electrònic)2198-7254


Conferència8th International Conference on Research on National Brand and Private Label Marketing, NB and PL 2021
CiutatVirtual, Online


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