La transposición frecuencial. Incidencia en las habilidades de identificación y el reconocimiento auditivo en jóvenes con pérdidas auditivas profundas

Jesús Valero-Garcia, Josep Gou, Ingrid Rubio, Jane Smith

Producción científica: Artículo en revista indizadaArtículorevisión exhaustiva


Based on the need to enhance perception of more high-pitched acoustic features of speech phonemes, we present this study on the changes observed in a group of young people with severe-profound hearing impairment after trialling the frequency transposition technology of the Mind. 440-19 hearing aid, using the Audibility Extender. The sample of the study was a group of 7. young people with ages ranging from 13 to 25. years, divided into two groups based on their audiometric configuration. The first group consisted of 4. subjects with a mean pure tone of 99. dB. The second group had more profound hearing loss, with a mean pure tone of 105. dB in both ears.Frequency transposition benefit was measured through a test battery including Ling's test, an identification test and a word recognition test. Tests were administered after 4, 8, and 12. weeks of hearing aid use, and compared with results from the previous hearing aids used by the participants, with their Audibility Extender off.

Título traducido de la contribuciónFrequency transposition. Impact on identification skills, auditory comprehension, and voice quality in young adults with profound hearing loss
Idioma originalEspañol
Páginas (desde-hasta)7-13
Número de páginas7
PublicaciónRevista de Logopedia, Foniatria y Audiologia
EstadoPublicada - ene 2012

Palabras clave

  • Frequency transposition
  • Hearing aids
  • Profound hearing loss


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