High-Compression Crash Simulations and Tests of PLA Cubes Fabricated Using Additive Manufacturing FDM with a Scaling Strategy

Research output: Indexed journal article Articlepeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


Impacts due to drops or crashes between moving vehicles necessitate the search for energy absorption elements to prevent damage to the transported goods or individuals. To ensure safety, a given level of acceptable deceleration is provided. The optimization of deformable parts to absorb impact energy is typically conducted through explicit simulations, where kinetic energy is converted into plastic deformation energy. The introduction of additive manufacturing techniques enables this optimization to be conducted with more efficient shapes, previously unachievable with conventional manufacturing methods. This paper presents an initial approach to validating explicit simulations of impacts against solid cubes of varying sizes and fabrication directions. Such cubes were fabricated using PLA, the most used material, and a desktop printer. All simulations could be conducted using a single material law description, employing solid elements with a controlled time step suitable for industrial applications. With this approach, the simulations were capable of predicting deceleration levels across a broad range of impact configurations for solid cubes.

Original languageEnglish
Article number40
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2024


  • crash
  • explicit
  • FDM
  • PLA
  • plasticity


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