Low-Cost WASN for Real-Time Soundmap Generation †

Producció científica: Article en revista indexadaArticleAvaluat per experts

2 Cites (Scopus)


Recent advances in technology have enabled the development of affordable low-cost acoustic monitoring systems, as a response of several fields of application that require a close acoustic analysis in real-time: road traffic noise in crowded cities, biodiversity conservation in natural parks, behavioural tracking in the elderly living alone and even surveillance in public places for safety reasons. This paper presents a low-cost wireless acoustic sensor network developed to gather acoustic data to build a 24/7 real-time soundmap. Each node of the network comprises an omnidirectional microphone and a computation unit, which processes acoustic information locally to obtain nonsensitive data (i.e., equivalent continuous loudness levels or acoustic event labels) that are sent to a cloud server. Moreover, it has also been studied the placement of the acoustic sensors in a real scenario, following acoustics criteria. The ultimate goal of the deployed system is to enable the following functions: (i) to measure the Leq in real-time in a predefined window, (ii) to identify changing patterns in the previous measurements so that anomalous situations can be detected and (iii) to prevent and attend potential irregular situations. The proposed network aims to encourage the use of real-time non-invasive devices to obtain behavioural and environmental information, in order to take decisions in real-time.

Idioma originalAnglès
Número d’article57
RevistaEngineering Proceedings
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 2021


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