Psychosocial effects of gentrification on elderly people in Barcelona from the perspective of bereavement

Paco López, Aida C. Rodríguez, Sandra Escapa

Producción científica: Artículo en revista indizadaArtículorevisión exhaustiva

7 Citas (Scopus)


This study explores the effects of gentrification processes on non-displaced seniors. To this end, we conducted a qualitative study, using a cross-sectional phenomenological design. Through 29 semi-structured interviews we analysed the narratives of elderly people with regard to the changes experienced in the Barceloneta neighbourhood of the city of Barcelona, Spain, during the last decades. We interpreted the results from the perspective of grief using as a reference the dual process model of coping with bereavement. Those interviewed reported experiencing losses related to the commercial fabric, community spaces, perceptions of safety and the family or neighbourhood fabric. These losses generate negative effects on health and also weaken the sources of social support that could once have protected against the effects of them. Most of the narratives collected include observations similar to those that occur in bereavement processes that are focused on loss. The results provide further arguments on the need to design urban policies from the perspective of community health, and suggest professional actions aimed at preventing risks to health and social cohesion caused by gentrification processes.

Idioma originalInglés
Número de artículo100880
PublicaciónEmotion, Space and Society
EstadoPublicada - may 2022


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