Prevalencia de malnutrición en la población anciana española: una revisión sistemática

Raimon Milà Villarroel, Francesc Formiga, Patricia Duran Alert, Rosa Abellana Sangrà

Producción científica: Artículo en revista indizadaRecensiónrevisión exhaustiva

41 Citas (Scopus)


Over the past years, several studies have examined the prevalence of malnutrition. The purpose of the present systematic literature review is to provide an overview of the current knowledge about the nutritional situation of elderly. Based on a literature research, studies with information about the prevalence of malnutrition published between 1995 and 2011 were considered. A total of 43,235 participants from 47 eligible studies were found. According to the Mini Nutritional Assessment, malnutrition was observed in 16.6% (95% confidence interval [95% CI] 0-62); according to anthropometric and biochemical parameters, malnutrition was observed in 21.4% (95% CI 2-77.3) and, when other nutritional indexes were used, malnutrition was observed in 47.3% (95% CI 10.6-94.7). Prevalence rates of malnutrition were highest in studies with a high proportion of patient who were severely disabled, had hip fracture or swallowing problems. It can be concluded that malnutrition is generally widespread and is highly variable, according to parameters used for nutritional assessment, health related problems or the population under study. Future studies should use standardized nutritional assessment tools in order to improve the prognosis of malnutrition in the elderly and achieve better comparability of study results.

Título traducido de la contribuciónPrevalence of malnutrition in Spanish elders: Systematic review
Idioma originalEspañol
Páginas (desde-hasta)502-508
Número de páginas7
PublicaciónMedicina Clinica
EstadoPublicada - 3 nov 2012
Publicado de forma externa

Palabras clave

  • Elderly malnutrition
  • Mini Nutritional Assessment
  • Nutritional status assessment


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