Label embedding: A frugal baseline for text recognition

Albert Gordo, Florent Perronnin, Jose Antonio Rodriguez-Serrano

Research output: Not indexed journal articleArticle

82 Citations (Scopus)


The standard approach to recognizing text in images consists in first classifying local image regions into candidate characters and then combining them with high-level word models such as conditional random fields. This paper explores a new paradigm that departs from this bottom-up view. We propose to embed word labels and word images into a common Euclidean space. Given a word image to be recognized, the text recognition problem is cast as one of retrieval: find the closest word label in this space. This common space is learned using the Structured SVM framework by enforcing matching label-image pairs to be closer than non-matching pairs. This method presents several advantages: it does not require ad-hoc or costly pre-/post-processing operations, it can build on top of any state-of-the-art image descriptor (Fisher vectors in our case), it allows for the recognition of never-seen-before words (zero-shot recognition) and the recognition process is simple and efficient, as it amounts to a nearest neighbor search. Experiments are performed on challenging datasets of license plates and scene text. The main conclusion of the paper is that with such a frugal approach it is possible to obtain results which are competitive with standard bottom-up approaches, thus establishing label embedding as an interesting and simple to compute baseline for text recognition.
Original languageSpanish
Specialist publicationInternational Journal of Computer Vision
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2015

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