Testing the Chinese Development Model under the Capabilities Approach: The Effects of Preferential Policies and Special Economic Zones on Inequality and Social Justice

Project: FellowshipsPostdoc

Project Details


A closer look at China’s development model
Shifting from an external demand-driven economy to a domestic demand-driven economy, China’s economy is growing. The world’s second largest economy is moving from subsistence consumption to high quality consumption and from a net importer of capital to a net exporter of capital. The EU-funded project CHINEQUALJUSTICE project will investigate the population groups in China that are heading towards prosperity and those that are at risk of never coming out of poverty. It will also apply the ‘Capabilities Approach’ to investigate rights and social justice. The findings of the research will assist European and international firms to better target Chinese consumers and industries, and help academics develop a theoretical framework based on the Chinese preferential and experimental development experience.
Effective start/end date1/07/2030/06/22


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