The global integrative module: A competency based online learning experience to help future managers understand complex global social challenges: Educating for responsible management: Putting theory into practice

Leonardo Caporarello, Jang Choi, Gianmarco Gessi, Ana Iñesta Codina, Josep Francesc Mària Serrano, José Luis Martín Marín Arandia, Carlos Obeso Abalde, Rosario Rovira Llobera, Josep Sayeras Maspera, Ricard Serlavós Serra, Matt Statler, Maika Melina Valencia Silva, Jaclyn Wilson

Producció científica: Capítol de llibreCapítol


The Global Integrative Module is an elective course that aims to respond to this challenge by offering an international innovative learning experience lead by ESADE, and with the participation of students from three business school partners; NYU Stern School of Business, SDA Bocconi and Sogang University. This session will share results showing the effectiveness of the GIM as an environment capable of equipping students to confront the challenges of current professional activity.
Idioma originalAnglès
Títol de la publicacióEducating for responsible management: Putting theory into practice
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 1 de jul. 2016


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