Successful experiences in supporting the inwardness and spirituality of children and adolescents

Producció científica: Article en revista indexadaArticleAvaluat per experts


This paper analyses professional approaches to supporting the spirituality of children and adolescents in vulnerable situation, in the daily life of socio-educational centres. A concurrent mixed method design research project is presented with data gathered using a Questionnaire on Inwardness for Professionals working with Teenagers and Children (Cuestionario de Interioridad para Profesionales de Adolescencia e Infancia-CIPAI) created ad hoc for the project. The study was carried out in the XACS network (Social Educational Centres Network) made up of 23 non-profit centres from Barcelona (Spain). Answers were received from 128 professionals, making up 64.6% of the total number of replies, and from 14 centres, representing 61% of the centres. Conclusions: The professionals state that spirituality is worked on cross-cuttingly in the centre’s educational programme. Most of the activities for working on an inner life that they consider successful incorporate mediating elements that assist in the expression of more abstract ideas or feelings.

Idioma originalAnglès
Pàgines (de-a)76-93
Nombre de pàgines18
RevistaInternational Journal of Children's Spirituality
Data online anticipadad’abr. 2023
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 2023


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