Separation of Ambient Radio Noise and Radio Signals Received via Ionospheric Propagation

Ben A. Witvliet, Rosa M. Alsina-Pagès, David Altadill, Erik van Maanen, Geert Jan Laanstra

Producció científica: Article en revista indexadaArticleAvaluat per experts

5 Cites (Scopus)


Systems for atmospheric research and wireless communication use the High Frequency (HF) radio spectrum. At these frequencies, typically up to 20 MHz, the ambient electromagnetic noise is stronger than the noise generated by the receiver itself, thereby limiting the sensitivity of the instruments. Especially in urban areas, the noise level is high. In remote rural environments, where artificial noise sources are absent, a much lower noise level is observed. It has been shown that this noise arrives via ionospheric propagation and consists of impulsive noise from lightning and a background component that resembles additive white Gaussian noise. To establish the absolute field strength of this background noise component, a direction- and polarization-agnostic antenna is realized by adding the power of two orthogonal antenna elements in the digital domain. To suppress radio signals arriving via ionospheric propagation—of which the spectral and temporal aspects are not known a priori—a novel adaptive filter is demonstrated that separates the background noise from the radio signals in the joint frequency-time domain. This method is demonstrated using measurements from a polarimetric experiment on 7 MHz in a remote rural area in Catalonia. The results are submitted to the International Telecommunication Union for the validation of ambient noise models.

Idioma originalAnglès
Número d’article529
Nombre de pàgines15
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - de març 2023


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