Security in smart grids

Julia Sínchez, Agustín Zaballos, Ramon Martin de Pozuelo, Guiomar Corral, Alan Briones

Producció científica: Capítol de llibreCapítolAvaluat per experts


Over the last few years the great advance in technology, the need for greener and more sustainable power sources and energy laws promoted by the governments allowed the Smart Grid trend to become a reality. Due the heterogeneous nature of the new electrical grids that integrate very diverse power sources, such as renewable energies, and due to the large amount of sensors and actuators that enable advanced functionalities of the Smart Grid, there is a need for a highly flexible, scalable and easy-to-manage Internet-like network. Moreover, new services are offered to users, which are exposed to new vulnerabilities and threats, requiring novel security and high-availability mechanisms to guarantee the best quality of service.

Idioma originalAnglès
Títol de la publicacióFrom Internet of Things to Smart Cities
Subtítol de la publicacióEnabling Technologies
EditorCRC Press
Nombre de pàgines47
ISBN (electrònic)9781498773799
ISBN (imprès)9781498773782
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 1 de gen. 2017


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