Impact of environmentally relevant concentrations of fluoxetine on zebrafish larvae: From gene to behavior

Daniela Correia, Marina Bellot, Eva Prats, Cristian Gómez-Canela, Hugo Moro, Demetrio Raldúa, Inês Domingues, Miguel Oliveira, Melissa Faria

Producció científica: Article en revista indexadaArticleAvaluat per experts

3 Cites (Scopus)


Fluoxetine is widely prescribed for the treatment of depressive states, acting at the level of the central nervous system, consequently affecting non-target organisms. This study aimed to investigate the influence of environmentally relevant fluoxetine concentrations (1–1000 ng/L) on Danio rerio development, assessing both embryotoxicity and behavior, antioxidant defense, gene expression and neurotransmitter levels at larval stage. Exposure to fluoxetine during early development was found to be able to accelerate embryo hatching in embryos exposed to 1, 10 and 100 ng/L, reduce larval size in 1000 ng/L, and increase heart rate in 10, 100 and 1000 ng/L exposed larvae. Behavioral impairments (decreased startle response and increased larvae locomotor activity) were associated with effects on monoaminergic systems, detected through the downregulation of key genes (vmat2, mao, tph1a and th2). In addition, altered levels of neurochemicals belonging to the serotonergic and dopaminergic systems (increased levels of tryptophan and norepinephrine) highlighted the sensitivity of early life stages of zebrafish to low concentrations of fluoxetine, inducing effects that may compromise larval survival. The obtained data support the necessity to test low concentrations of SSRIs in environmental risk assessment and the use of biomarkers at different levels of biological organization for a better understanding of modes of action.

Idioma originalAnglès
Número d’article140468
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - de des. 2023


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