¿Existen razones de eficiencia económica en las decisiones de cierre parcial de algunos museos locales? Análisis del caso del Museo Darder (Banyoles) en el contexto de los museos de Cataluña: Museos y turismo: expectativas y realidades

Alcalde i GurtGabriel, Burch i RiusJosep, Modest Fluvià Font, Ricard Rigall Torrent, Albert Salo Mayolas

Producció científica: Capítol de llibreCapítol


In this chapter we performed a descriptive analysis to observe the relationships between the main inputs and outputs in museums. Input indicators are calculated from the expenditure items, the area, the number of employees, capital and technology among others. The outputs measured mainly the number of visitors but also the results of technical investigation of the employees. Later some econometric models are estimated controlling for the effect of these different inputs on the final output. In this current economic crisis compares the relative performance of Banyoles museums as an example of partial or total closure regarding other museums of Catalonia with similar characteristics and that are still open to the visitors.
Idioma originalAnglès
Títol de la publicacióMuseos y turismo: expectativas y realidades
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 1 de gen. 2013


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