Erratum to: Measurement of CP observables in B± → DK*± decays using two- and four-body D final states (Journal of High Energy Physics, (2017), 2017, 11, (156), 10.1007/JHEP11(2017)156)

The LHCb collaboration

Producció científica: Article en revista indexadaComentari/debat

1 Citació (Scopus)


The measurements of Aππ and RKK in B± → DK decays were incorrectly reported in the paper [1], due to a transposition of the systematic uncertainties. This error was present in the reporting of the individual systematic uncertainties, the correlation matrix, and in the calculation of RCP+.

Idioma originalAnglès
Número d’article67
RevistaJournal of High Energy Physics
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 1 de maig 2018


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