Diversity representation in advertising

Colin Campbell, Sean Sands, Brent McFerran, A. Mavrommatis

Producció científica: Article en revista indexadaArticleAvaluat per experts

6 Cites (Scopus)


In this article we develop a comprehensive understanding of diverse representation in advertising. While numerous studies highlight increasing demand for diversity among some consumers, such enthusiasm is not universal. This is creating challenges for brands, some of which have faced backlash, either due to a perceived lack of authenticity in their diversity efforts or because not all consumer groups value diversity equally. Amidst these challenges, technological advancements, such as data-driven decision-making and generative AI, present both new opportunities and risks. The current literature on diverse representation in advertising, although expansive, is relatively siloed. Through a detailed eight-step process, we assess and synthesize the body of literature on diversity representation, reviewing 337 articles spanning research on age, beauty, body size, gender, LGBTQIA+ , physical and mental ability, and race and ethnicity. Our investigation offers two major contributions: a summarization of insights from the broader literature on these seven key areas of diverse representation and development of an integrated conceptual framework. Our conceptual framework details mechanisms, moderators, and outcomes that are either prevalent across the literature or can be reasonably expected to generalize across other forms of diversity. This framework not only offers a holistic perspective for academics and industry professionals but also exposes potential future research avenues.

Idioma originalAnglès
RevistaJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science
Data online anticipadade des. 2023
Estat de la publicacióPublicació electrònica prèvia a la impressió - de des. 2023


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