Antenna for social innovation pathways to systemic change

Heloise Buckland, David Murillo

Producció científica: Capítol de llibreCapítolAvaluat per experts


The world’s social, ecological and economic? problems are so complex and diverse that there? will never be a “one-size-fits-all” model for? social innovation. The very nature of social? innovation as a new, better way of solving? social problems means that it is not even in the? interest of social innovation advocates to create? tidy definitions, but rather to create environments? that allow for the process of creative? destruction with a social purpose to prosper.? Inspired by a desire to deepen our understanding? of the role of social innovation in? addressing today’s most pressing challenges,? authors Heloise Buckland and David Murillo? explore four inspiring cases and define a new? set of variables to help better understand the? conditions under which social innovation can be most effective. These variables can be? helpful for investors, governments, academic? centres, foundations and individual entrepreneurs? interested in measuring the potential of? any given social innovation to bring about the? much-needed systemic change to solve today’s? complex challenges? This book builds on a track record of? research and education in corporate social? responsibility and social entrepreneurship at? ESADE Business School’s Institute of Social? Innovation.? Building on an understanding of the key? characteristics and challenges faced by social? entrepreneurs, here authors undertake a deeper? analysis of social innovation.

Idioma originalAnglès
Títol de la publicacióPathways to Systemic Change
Subtítol de la publicacióInspiring Stories and a New Set of Variables for Understanding Social Innovation
Nombre de pàgines162
ISBN (electrònic)9781351287913
ISBN (imprès)9781783530533
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 1 de gen. 2017


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