Acute management of cerebral venous thrombosis: Indications, technique, and outcome of endovascular treatment in two high-volume centers

João André Sousa, Maider Iza Achutegui, Jesus Juega-Mariño, Manuel Requena, Sara Bernardo-Castro, Marc Rodrigo-Gisbert, Federica Rizzo, Marta Olivé, Álvaro Garcia-Tornel, Ana Carolina Chaves, Noelia Rodriguez-Villatoro, Marian Muchada, Jorge Pagola, David Rodriguez-Luna, Marta Rubiera, Ana Inês Martins, Fernando Silva, Ricardo Veiga, Cesar Nunes, Egídio MachadoFrancesco Diana, Marta de Dios, David Hernández, Marc Ribo, Carlos Molina, João Sargento-Freitas, Alejandro Tomasello

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