Gender Equality Standards for AHMSSBL institutions throughout Europe

Projecte: Ajuts a projectesRecerca

Detalls del projecte


Gender equality is one of the EU's founding values. Goals include the promotion of equal economic independence for women and men, closing the gender pay gap, advancing gender balance in decision-making, ending gender-based violence and promoting gender equality beyond the EU. The EU-funded EQUAL4EUROPE project focuses on the fields of art, humanities, medicine, social science, business and law (moving away from the fields of science, technology, engineering and math). Specifically, six research-performing institutions will develop and implement tailored gender equality plans in order to realise sustainable cultural and institutional change. The project will assess the situation and create a network of gender equality officers from the social science fields. The project will also develop free knowledge, tools and best practices.
Data efectiva d'inici i finalització1/01/2031/12/23


  • European Commission: 563.250,00 €


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