Los Defensores sectoriales y otras técnicas específicas utilizadas por los comisionados parlamentarios para la defensa de los derechos constitucionales

Producción científica: Capítulo del libroCapítulo


The contribution makes a comparative approach between the General Ombudsman and the sectorial Ombudsman. In its development it takes into account the points of view of citizens and authorities about three defining characteristics of the concept of Ombudsman: independence, flexibility and credibility. The mentioned analysis allows to ask float the pros and the cons of both models. After that, the focus is on the so-called Catalan model, an attempt of synthesis: the designation of General Ombudsman¿ sectorial deputies. Finally, the contribution shifts to consider and set the playing level field, possibilities and risks, of a number of specific techniques used by the Ombudsman, which are illustrated with real examples. In this sense, The mediator activity; access to public opinion; the relationship with the associative organizations; the public services quality promotion; the promotion of reciprocal knowledge between the Ombudsman and civil servants and, last but not least, systemic investigations.
Idioma originalCatalán
Título de la publicación alojadaJornadas sobre el Defensor del Pueblo Andaluz
EstadoPublicada - 1 ene 2002

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