Google and the worldwile travel market

Josep Franch Bullich, Adolfo Montalvo Garcia, Antoni Parera Olm, José Francisco Valls Giménez

Producción científica: Estudio de caso


Any successful value proposition needs to identify its target client, to understand the problem or need he or she has and to propose a business solution with specific products or services. On the first point, Google differentiates between a user and a client. Users are the consumers of all free products and services, including the search engine itself, Gmail, Google maps, Youtube and Google Docs. Users search, compare, and finally find the information they need from anywhere on the planet, through products and services, films and trailers, videos, documentaries, travel, websites, scientific geographical areas and so on. Clients are those who actually buy products and services from Google, such as Google AdWords, Google AdSense and YouTube banners or advertisements. The need that Google satisfies in its users is access to information relevant to a specific subject at zero cost. The need it satisfies in its clients is an increase in their website traffic, enabling them to sell more through that channel. In terms of products and services, Google began with a search engine and has now expanded the range to areas of communication, social networking, mobility and mobile technology.
Idioma originalInglés
EstadoPublicada - 1 jun 2013


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