Do great technological ideas make great business opportunities? Entrepreneur's self-regulatory focus in opportunity building

Ferran Giones, Francesc Miralles

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How do technology-based entrepreneurs transform technological ideas into business opportunities? We explore how individual's self-regulatory focus and institutional forces influence in the opportunity construction process. This research addresses the apparent paradox between the exploration efforts of the entrepreneur to find a use for the technological idea, with the institutional pressure advance to opportunity exploitation. We use an inductive multiple-case study with a sample of three technology-based entrepreneurs to shed some light on the phenomena. The results suggest that there is a two-stage process in the transformation of an idea into an opportunity; entrepreneur's ability to moderate their self-regulatory focus is seen to play an important role in this process. These findings hold several implications for entrepreneurs and stakeholders interested in promoting technology-based entrepreneurship.

Idioma originalInglés
Título de la publicación alojada2013 International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation, ICE 2013 and IEEE International Technology Management Conference, ITMC 2013
EditorialInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
ISBN (versión digital)9781467373838
EstadoPublicada - 10 dic 2015
Evento19th International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation, ICE 2013 and IEEE International Technology Management Conference, ITMC 2013 - The Hague, Países Bajos
Duración: 24 jun 201326 jun 2013

Serie de la publicación

Nombre2013 International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation, ICE 2013 and IEEE International Technology Management Conference, ITMC 2013


Conferencia19th International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation, ICE 2013 and IEEE International Technology Management Conference, ITMC 2013
País/TerritorioPaíses Bajos
CiudadThe Hague


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