Design of a methodology to update the curriculum contents in CIM technology in the industrial engineering degree of Spain

Isabel M. Balderrama, Guillermo Reyes, Luis C. Rabelo

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Nowadays the curriculum contents design in Spanish universities considers only the didactic vision of the faculty experts, and expects a successful output related with what they appreciate as the employer's needs. No assessment methodology has been performed to "listen" what employers expect from graduates in the design of the studies of technological degrees. The quick technological development, integration and globalization are causing changes in industrial companies. Companies need changes in their systems of internal/external activities management, organization and architecture. These transformations are based on 3 axes: Technological, Quality improvement and Human Resources. CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing) has arisen to allow the needed technological transformations; the improvement of the planning processes, programming, production control and automation. CIM helps to achieve a more flexible and advanced management of enterprise resources. Many manufacturing companies have implemented CIM as a way to improve their competitiveness. This implementation implies the human resources training and education. Graduated Spanish Industrial Engineers could be destined to develop their activity on CIM plants, and they should be able to demonstrate knowledge and abilities related with CIM. The staff qualification demand in CIM industry should be completed, mainly, in universities and professional training centres. The Curriculum design for engineers dealing with CIM should consider customers needs (employers and students) and university vision. The methodology described here is expected to guarantee a curriculum design taking into account industry (employer) participation, besides university perception, so that the graduate has the professional qualification expected by CIM Industry. It is intended to be the translator of demands (industry, education) in curriculum contents suggested and prepared by faculty with didactic criteria. It uses methodologies like QFD (Quality Function Deployment) and Delphi, and use complementary tools like Surveys, Affinity Diagrams, AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process), etc. Some results are presented after the study of real case: Curriculum Design for CIM Education in Industrial Engineering Degree (Ramon Llull University -IQS, Barcelona), having considered Bologna Process.

Idioma originalInglés
Título de la publicación alojadaProceedings of 36th European Society for Engineering Education, SEFI Conference on Quality Assessment, Employability and Innovation
EditoresFlemming K. Fink
EditorialSense Publishers
ISBN (versión digital)9789087905712
EstadoPublicada - 2008
Evento36th SEFI Annual Conference 2008 - Aalborg, Dinamarca
Duración: 2 jul 20085 jul 2008

Serie de la publicación

NombreProceedings of 36th European Society for Engineering Education, SEFI Conference on Quality Assessment, Employability and Innovation


Conferencia36th SEFI Annual Conference 2008


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