Transnational governance networks in the migration sector

  • Saz Carranza, Angel (Investigador principal)
  • Coen, David (Investigador/a)
  • Maggetti, Martino (Investigador/a)
  • Yesilkagit, Kutsal (Investigador/a)

Proyecto: Ayudas internas/convocatorias propiasProyectos

Detalles del proyecto


This proposal is part of a broader program called "Varieties of transnational regulation: the organizational structure of global governance". In the recent years, we witness a growing importance of transnational regulatory regimes in many policy areas, such as environmental protection, finance, and global health, just to name a few. The regulation of these transboundary issues is increasingly undertaken through a complex governance scheme involving international organisations, transgovermental networks, private actors, and multi-stakeholders bodies. Scholars have so far mostly examined this multifaceted phenomenon by applying a specific disciplinary approach to a limited number (typically one) of regimes. This program's interdisciplinary research team brings together renown scholars (in international relations, public policies and regulation, public administration and public management, business studies, and international law perspectives) from ESADE, University College London, University of Lausanne and Leiden University. So far we have started to collect data on transnational regulatory networks in the fields of global health, global finance, global telecommunications, and global energy. This grant request aims at collecting complementary data in all four of this fields and add new data for a fifth field, namely global immigration.

Descripción de Layman

This proposal is part of a broader program called "Varieties of transnational regulation: the organizational structure of global governance". In the recent years, we witness a growing importance of transnational regulatory regimes in many policy areas, such as environmental protection, finance, and global health, just to name a few. The regulation of these transboundary issues is increasingly undertaken through a complex governance scheme involving international organisations, transgovermental networks, private actors, and multi-stakeholders bodies. Scholars have so far mostly examined this multifaceted phenomenon by applying a specific disciplinary approach to a limited number (typically one) of regimes. This program's interdisciplinary research team brings together renown scholars (in international relations, public policies and regulation, public administration and public management, business studies, and international law perspectives) from ESADE, University College London, University of Lausanne and Leiden University. So far we have started to collect data on transnational regulatory networks in the fields of global health, global finance, global telecommunications, and global energy. This grant request aims at collecting complementary data in all four of this fields and add new data for a fifth field, namely global immigration.
Fecha de inicio/Fecha fin1/01/1831/12/18