Technological Innovation in Digital Transformation Efforts

Proyecto: Ayudas internas/convocatorias propiasProyectos

Detalles del proyecto


"Our research project is concerned on how the technological innovation is governed, diffused and implemented on private and public organizations. For this year, we have decided to divide our research objectives into two parts.

On the one hand, we put our interests on innovation processes based on new technologies. Specifically, we will focus on the digitalization of the marketing environment and how is changing the consumer purchase decision behavior. This part of our research project proposes to advance with a finer grained approach and with a longitudinal perspective to understand how the use of digital information affects perceived risk during the process of information search. Also, we want to explore how open innovation and innovation platforms can help in promoting innovation processes in SME's and how diffusion processes can be applied to in different new settings.

On the other hand, the emergence of Internet-of-Things technology and all trends for Digital Transformation transform the way to organize and deliver many services in the cities, sport events, and, in general, many aspects of digital ecosystems. The expected contribution is to suggest new types of service that could be applied to improve, as an application area, the traffic of the city and the urban environmental conditions (pollution, noise). This research follows the recent study realized by the research team to evaluate the environmental, social and financial impacts on providing the geolocalization of parking slots in the city of Nice (France).

Both parts of research require proposing challenging methods of project management to address and implement in an efficient way initiatives with a high technology component. As part of this project, new insights on project management are going to be proposed."

Descripción de Layman

"Our research project is concerned on how the technological innovation is governed, diffused and implemented on private and public organizations. For this year, we have decided to divide our research objectives into two parts.

On the one hand, we put our interests on innovation processes based on new technologies. Specifically, we will focus on the digitalization of the marketing environment and how is changing the consumer purchase decision behavior. This part of our research project proposes to advance with a finer grained approach and with a longitudinal perspective to understand how the use of digital information affects perceived risk during the process of information search. Also, we want to explore how open innovation and innovation platforms can help in promoting innovation processes in SME's and how diffusion processes can be applied to in different new settings.

On the other hand, the emergence of Internet-of-Things technology and all trends for Digital Transformation transform the way to organize and deliver many services in the cities, sport events, and, in general, many aspects of digital ecosystems. The expected contribution is to suggest new types of service that could be applied to improve, as an application area, the traffic of the city and the urban environmental conditions (pollution, noise). This research follows the recent study realized by the research team to evaluate the environmental, social and financial impacts on providing the geolocalization of parking slots in the city of Nice (France).

Both parts of research require proposing challenging methods of project management to address and implement in an efficient way initiatives with a high technology component. As part of this project, new insights on project management are going to be proposed."
Fecha de inicio/Fecha fin1/01/1731/12/17