Valoració nutricional dels hàbits alimentaris en joves esgrimistes de competició.

Eulàlia Vidal Garcia, Alfredo Irurtia, Marta Carrasco Marginet, Vicky Pons Sala, Xavier Iglesias, Daniel Brotons

Research output: Indexed journal article Articlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


Introduction and objectives:Although the nutritionalrequirements and somatic profile of the elite fencer havebeen described, this information is lacking in young fencers.The aim of the present study was two-fold: firstly, to des-cribe the kinanthropometric profile of a group of youngcompetitive fencers and, secondly, to assess their nutritio-nal habits.Methodology:The present observational, descriptivestudy classified the variables analyzed into two categories:a)nutritional assessment (24 h recording): total energy,carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, fiber, cholesterol, dietarywater content, vitamins and minerals; b)kinanthropometricassessment: height, weight, somatotype, and body compo-sition.Results:Total energy intake was above recommended le-vels in 26.3% of the group and below these levels in 57.9%.Carbohydrate intake was lower than recommended, whe-reas protein and lipid intake was higher. Intake of mo-nounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats was below recom-mended levels in 89.5% and 63.2% of young fencers,respectively. Saturated fat intake was higher than recom-mended intake in 89.5% of the fencers. Fiber consumptionwas deficient in 52.6% of the fencers. In contrast, choles-terol intake was higher than recommended consumptionin 73.7%. Vitamin intake was in line with recommended le-vels but intake of some minerals was deficient. Both sexeswere remarkably heterogeneous in somatic profile. Conclusions:Nutritional habits in most of the young fen-cers analyzed were unsuitable both to maintain a state ofhealth and to practice sport. These habits should be co-rrected through proper education and nutritional follow-upwith further interventions to optimize sports performance.The kinanthropometric assessment confirms these results.
Translated title of the contributionValoración nutricional de los hábitos alimentarios de jóvenes esgrimistas de competición.
Original languageCatalan
Pages (from-to)118-126
Number of pages9
JournalApunts. Medicina de l'esport
Issue number159
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2008


  • Human nutrition
  • Kinanthropometry
  • Adolescence
  • Fencing

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