Using qualitative reasoning to evaluate performance: An application in the retail sector

Research output: Conference paperContribution


This paper offers a new method inspired by classic importance-performance analysis (IPA) that provides a global index of importance versus performance for firms together with a new version of the IPA diagram. The index compares two rankings of the same set of features regarding importance and performance, taking into account under-performing features. The marginal contribution of each feature to the proposed global index defines a set of iso-curves that represents an improvement in the IPA diagram. The defined index, together with the new version of the diagram, enables, by means of qualitative reasoning techniques, the assessment of a firm's overall performance and therefore enhance decision making in the allocation of resources. The proposed method has been applied to a Taiwanese multi-format retailer and managerial perceptions of performance and importance are compared to assess the firm's overall performance.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 11 Jul 2016
Event29th International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning (QR 2016) -
Duration: 11 Jul 201611 Jul 2016


Conference29th International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning (QR 2016)


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