Understanding time in context: Shift work in a precast concrete factory

Conxita Folguera Bellmunt, Laura Lamolla Kristiansen

Research output: Working paper


This paper analyses the understanding of time in shift work systems and the consequences for employability and work-life balance. We use the case study method to examine an unusual case of shift work within the framework of a specific social and cultural context. A shift system in a factory in the construction industry resulted in productivity gains for the company and, contrary to what most research on shift systems reports, produced work-life balance benefits for employees. The system has been in operation for 14 years and has provided jobs for a population otherwise excluded from the labour market.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages22
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2014

Publication series

NameESADE working paper
ISSN (Print)2014-8135
NameESADE working paper
ISSN (Print)2014-8135
NameESADE working paper
ISSN (Print)2014-8135
NameESADE working paper
ISSN (Print)2014-8135


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