The Spanish crisis and the ways of getting out of it

Research output: Book chapterChapter


The purpose of this article is to analyze the situation in Spain and its future. For this reason, I divided it into three parts plus one introductory part and some conclusions. First of all, we are going to look at the territory. Secondly, we are going to examine the financial crisis in Spain. Finally, we are going to look at the options for this specific situation. We have to bear in mind also the Social Market Economy (SME). SME is what defines the success model that establishes the framework of the German Society; and therefore, knowledge of this model would help to prevent misunderstandigns and a "new way" to get out of the crisis.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationHistories of Doctoral Programmes in Management and Business Administration
Publication statusPublished - 2 Jul 2012


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