The meaning of values and its respective work culture as manifested by Chinese public sector employees: An exploratory analysis based on a tri-axial model

Yuanjie Bao, Simon Landau Dolan

Research output: Conference paperContribution


This exploratory study investigates the meaning of work values and its respective dominance in the Chinese public sector. The tri-axial model (Dolan et al., 2006) is used to categorize, clarify, as well as prioritize values. 252 employees working in various public sector services responded to an online value questionnaire in 2011. Results enables mapping of the values and showing important differences in attributing meaning of values on one hand and clear domination of some value axis over others on the other hand. Results also show the gender and family role plays an important role in attributing meanings to values and in perceiving the culture in the public sector. The implications for public sector management within a context of value congruency and incongruence are discussed (Bao, Vedina, Moodie, & Dolan, 2012 In press).
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 24 Jun 2012
EventThe 13th Biennial ISSWOV Conference 2012 -
Duration: 24 Jun 201227 Jun 2012


ConferenceThe 13th Biennial ISSWOV Conference 2012


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