The management for global sustainability opportunity: Integrating responsibility, sustainability, and spirituality

J. Mària Serrano, Robert Sroufe

Research output: Not indexed journal articleArticle


This study reflects the necessity to incorporate spirituality into business practices while building on a foundation of responsibility and sustainability. The articulation between these three practices is necessary to respond to the three fundamental divides or wounds that our present worlsd lives on: between the person and society; between the person and nature; and between the person and the best version of themselves. The Research question guiding this paper is: How can responsibility, sustainability and spirituality be understood and interconnected to address, from a Management perspective, the three fundamental wounds of our world? We answer it by comparing Theory U and the Jesuit Tradition. After presenting both conceptual worlds and comparing them, we discuss how they contribute to a better understanding of the relationship between responsibility, sustainability and spirituality. We then propose practical implications for Management Education.
Original languageEnglish
Specialist publicationJournal of Management for Global Sustainability
Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 2022


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