The integrative module in the bachelor of business administration: Training undergraduate students in creative problem solving

Ana Iñesta Codina, X. Rovira Llobera, R. Serlavós Serra, Maika Melina Valencia Silva

Research output: Conference paperContribution


From the increasingly spreading consideration that intrapreneurial activity is a requirement in innovative organizations, creativity has come to be considered one of the most valuable characteristics in management professionals, allowing more successful problem solving (Proctor, 1999; Puccio, Firestien, Coyle & Masucci, 2006; Puccio & Cabra, 2009). This paper presents the Integrative Module as a key learning environment within the curriculum of the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) at ESADE Business School, designed to train undergraduate students (future professionals) in creative problem solving through the integrated application of knowledge acquired in three different courses pursued in the previous year. A total of 220 students enrolled in the second year of the BBA program participated in the Module. Qualitative and quantitative analysis were carried out. The results obtained have allowed us to identify the processes involved in creative problem solving as well as to learn that the participating students considered the learning experience of the Module as a very useful learning task for their future professional activity, and specifically for creativity and innovation in managerial decisions.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 7 Nov 2012
EventISBE 2012 Conference -
Duration: 7 Nov 20128 Nov 2012


ConferenceISBE 2012 Conference


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