The importance of assessing marketing preferences of small-scale farmers: A latent segment approach

José Blandon, Spencer Henson, Towhidul Islam

Research output: Indexed journal article Articlepeer-review

12 Citations (Scopus)


This study uses a stated choice-based conjoint model to explore the marketing preferences of small-scale producers of fresh fruits and vegetables in Honduras. A total of eight attributes, proposed in hypothetical contracts to farmers, are evaluated. About two-thirds of farmers show preferences for traditional marketing systems, whereas one-third prefer new marketing channels associated with supermarkets. A latent segment approach, however, reveals significant levels of preference heterogeneity among small-scale farmers. The results suggest the importance of taking into account preference heterogeneity using latent classes in the development of policies aimed at linking small-scale farmers with new agri-food supply chains.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)494-509
Number of pages16
JournalEuropean Journal of Development Research
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2010
Externally publishedYes


  • latent segments
  • marketing preferences
  • small-scale farmers


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