Synthesizing the Impact of Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices on Firm Performance: A Meta-Analysis with Examination of Moderating Factors

V. Sierra, Jorge Vinicio Murillo Rojas, C. Sancha Fernández, C. Giménez Thomsen

Research output: Conference paperContributionpeer-review


The sustainability of the supply chain is vital for companies' long-term viability. Many companies adopt sustainable supplier development practices (SSDP) to enhance sustainability performance. However, the impact on firm performance (FP) remains inconclusive. This study analyses the relationship between these practices and FP through a meta-analysis of 212 articles from Web of Science and SCOPUS, examining direct effects and various moderating factors. Our findings advance knowledge and understanding of sustainable practices, guiding decisions and policies in sustainable supply chain management.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2024
EventEUROMA - Barcelona, Spain
Duration: 29 Jun 20243 Jul 2024


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