Stratospheric electric field measurements with transmediterranean balloons

B. A. de la Morena, L. F. Alberca, J. J. Curto, R. H. Holzworth

Research output: Indexed journal article Articlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


The horizontal component of the stratospheric electric field was measured using a balloon in the ODISEA Campaign of Transmediterranean Balloon Program. The balloon flew between Trapani (Sicily) and El Arenosillo (Huelva, Spain) along the 39oN parallel at a height between 34 Km and 24 Km. The high values found for the field on fair-weather and its quasi turbulent variation, both in amplitude and direction, are difficult to explain with the classical electric field sources. A new source, first described by Holzworth /1/, is considered as possibly causing them.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)381-384
Number of pages4
JournalAdvances in Space Research
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 1993
Externally publishedYes


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