Strategy in social enterprise

Research output: Book chapterChapter


Our purpose in this chapter is to: (1) identify the elements that contribute to the positive performance of strategy in social enterprises carried out in companies and CSOs; and (2) examine how these strategic variables operate in order to achieve further performance enhancements. The importance of having a clear strategy lies in the need to establish the direction an organization should follow and to guide it along its way. Although strategies are not always implemented in their entirety, they nevertheless help an organization know where it is in relation to where it would like to go. In an interview, Charles Handy stressed the importance of this point: "it's no good having a brilliant strategy and structure and great people unless there is some reason for it. And it doesn't get you very far to go around saying how wonderful things will be in the future without knowing how you might get there. This combination is rare."
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEffective management of social enterprises: Lessons from businesses and civil society organizations in Iberoamerica
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2006


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