Statens rolle i arbeidet med å fremme CSR

L. Albareda Vivó, J. Lozano, Heike Roscher, T. Ysa

Research output: Book chapterChapter


The purpose of this paper is to analyse differences in the approaches of European government policies in the light of their ideals, and four different models of government action are put forward. Our proposal's theoretical coherence stems from the fact that CSR is not a new and isolated item for inclusion on the political agenda. On the contrary, it forms part of the current debate on the role of companies in society, clearly shaping the current challenges to the welfare state and its governance, and the socioeconomic development of each country. This initial hypothesis has been given a relational reading that emphasises the strategy of dialogue and collaboration between company, government and the organs of civil society.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationBedrifters samfunnsansvar: Hvordan forene ønsker og praksis?
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2010


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