Sol Melià. Hotels for All

Gina Paola Eckardt Linero, I. Moll de Alba Mendoza, J. Montaña Matosas

Research output: Case study


Interest in 'Design for All' has increased over the last few years. 'Design for All' is a relatively new paradigm that has been defined as the design of products, environments or services which addresses all members of society regardless of age, gender, ability and cultural background without exclusion. Consumers today demand design that is functional, convenient and well thought out. Additionally, as the population is aging rapidly, design should accommodate the growing changes of consumers. Applying design to all concepts is a necessity for all sectors of society. The case study of the hotel chain Sol Meliá is presented to portray how they have applied design for all, the management strategies they have implemented, the problems they have encountered and how they have attempted to resolve them. Through this case study, the goal is not only to promote awareness but to provide a way in which other companies can pursue design for all.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 2010


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