Self-management strategies and multicomponent training to mitigate the effects of the interruption of physical exercise programmes in the pandemic context on functionality, sedentary behaviour, physical capacity, mental health, body composition and quality of life in older adults: a blinded randomized controlled study protocol

Ana Claudia Silva Farche, Gabriela Cassemiliano, Paulo Giusti Rossi, Bianca Ferdin Carnavale, Stefany Lee, Laura Bonome Message, Vinícius Ramon da Silva Santos, Juliana Hotta Ansai, Eduardo Ferriolli, Natália Duarte Pereira, Guillermo Rúben Oviedo, Myriam Guerra-Balic, Maria Giné-Garriga, Marina Araújo Lopes, Anielle Cristhine de Medeiros Takahashi

Research output: Indexed journal article Articlepeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


Background: Considering the confinement recommended by the World Health Organization due to the pandemic caused by COVID-19, many community physical exercise programmes for older adults have had their activities cancelled. In this context, proposing strategies to recover the possible adverse effects of the confinement period is pertinent. The use of self-management strategies associated with regular physical activity reduces sedentary behaviour and improves physical capacity in older adults. Thus, the purpose of this study was to describe a multicomponent training programme combined with a self-management strategy protocol to mitigate the effects of interruptions in physical exercise programmes on functionality, physical capacity, mental health, body composition and quality of life in older adults. Methods: This will be a blinded, randomized and controlled clinical trial performed in São Carlos, SP, Brazil. Eighty older adults will be divided into two groups: multicomponent training (Multi) and multicomponent training + self-management strategies (Multi+SM). The intervention will be performed over 16 weeks on three alternate days of every week, with 50-min sessions. The assessment of physical capacity will be performed before the interruption of physical exercise programmes (T0: initial assessment, March 2020), preintervention (T1: immediately after the return of the exercise programme) and postintervention (T2). The assessments of physical activity level, quality of life, mental health, functionality and body composition will be performed at T1 and T2. Discussion: The results from this MC+SM protocol will allow us to contribute clinical support to evaluate the variables analysed and to guide future public health policies with the aim of minimizing the possible deleterious effects arising from the physical exercise interruption periods caused by epidemics and pandemics. Trial registration: RBR-10zs97gk. Prospectively registered in Brazilian Registry of Clinical Trials (ReBEC) on 17 June 2021. Registry name: Use of self-management strategies combined with multicomponent training to mitigate the effects of social distancing due to COVID-19 on capacity, physical capacity, mental health and quality of life in older adults - A blind, randomized and controlled clinical trial.

Original languageEnglish
Article number923
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2022


  • COVID-19
  • Confinement
  • Multicomponent exercise
  • Older adults
  • Randomized controlled trial
  • Self-management


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