Salud sexual de las personas con discapacidad física: Educación sexual

Research output: Indexed journal article Articlepeer-review


People with disabilities are often excluded from the social construct of functionality and sexual satisfaction, due to the existence of certain negative sexual stereotypes that usually have more serious psychosocial effects than the disability itself. Knowledge is necessary so that the professional, parental and/or social environment does not trivialize or ignore their sexuality. General aim: To provide information on sexual education for people with physical disabilities in Catalonia. Study design: Exploratory, descriptive and cross-sectional study. Sample: 135 surveys from subjects aged over 18 years with physical disability Instrumentation: Sexual Health Survey for People with Physical Disability ESSPDF / 2016. Outcomes: The preliminary results of the sexual education section are presented. 43% of the sample rated the degree of usefulness of the sexual information received as 'Very useful/useful' and 9.6% had not received any information. 63% valued the information they had as 'Very good/good'. There are significant differences in relation to gender on who would have chosen to receive sexual information (p=0.034), interest to obtain more information on topics such as 'receiving information about prostitution' (p=0.01), 'love and relationships' (p0.001) and the sex of the person they would like to receiveadvise (p=0.014). They showed the greatest interest in topics such as 'Ways to get and receive pleasure' and 'problems in sexual relationships'. Conclusions: People with physical disabilities still have deficiencies in relation to sexual information. This situation requires the revision of the existing training and intervention programs, as well as checking the accessibility of the services. It is necessary to work from all existing sex education areas, beyond the health field, such as family, school and society. Sex education should be opened to behavioral and sentimental aspects, thus improving the sexual health intervention of people with physical disabilities.
Original languageSpanish
Pages (from-to)41-51
Number of pages11
JournalInternational Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 10 Apr 2018


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