Reinventar el modelo de negocio para vender más barato. Aproximación al análisis comparado de las estrategias low cost

José Francisco Valls Giménez

Research output: Not indexed journal articleArticle


The first reaction to the generalized demand of low prices consists in a indiscriminate reduction of costs in all the value chain. All these measures are important but they do not have sufficient consistency in order to be transferred to the final prices. For this reason, it is necessary to undertake radical processes of innovation to reinvent the business model combining in different forms the productive processes. Doing this, the reduction in costs can be translated in great reductions in the final prices. This article reviews the processes of innovation required to achieve reductions of costs which can be transferred to the prices. The proposal leads to a reinvention of the business model on the basis of innovations applied to production, the formula to obtain the benefit and to the processes. Finally, we include a comparative analysis between eleven low cost companies, like Mercadona, IKEA, ING., Zara and Mango, with the purpose of measuring the intensity of the different sources of innovation.
Original languageEnglish
Specialist publicationRevista de Contabilidad y Dirección
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2010
Externally publishedYes


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