Public sector reforms in Venezuela

Antonio Lecuna Bueno

Research output: Conference paperContribution


The ten year anniversary of the chavismo popular movement rise to power in 2009 consolidated the tendency in Latin America to elect socially responsible governments with deep pockets and an inflammatory discourse that has polarised the political landscape beyond reconcilable boundaries. Up to date, the growing list of nations with leftwing popular Presidents ads up to at least nine Latin American countries. The defining characteristics of the so-called neopopulism in Latin America are wealth redistribution, community participation, and regional integration; combined with a strong nationalistic ideology to dictate its own political and economic path without USA intervention, or at least to be free from the onerous terms set by international organisations. However, starting with chavismo in Venezuela, Latin American leftwing governments have so far not lived up to their potential, since the 'bad' results are clearly overshadowing the 'good' intentions. In spite of this inevitable bumpy start, Latin American popular movements could end up playing a pivotal role in political history; but only if the regional integration principals institutionalises into an independent phenomenon, more significant than the founding leaders confrontational government style.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2010
Externally publishedYes
Event6th International Conference on Accounting, Auditing and Management in Public Sector Reforms -
Duration: 1 Sept 20103 Sept 2010


Conference6th International Conference on Accounting, Auditing and Management in Public Sector Reforms


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