Proton conducting ceramics for potentiometric hydrogen sensors for molten metals

H. Borland, L. Llivina, S. Colominas, J. Abellà*

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Research output: Indexed journal article Articlepeer-review

21 Citations (Scopus)


Tritium monitoring in lithium-lead eutectic (Pb-15.7Li) is of great importance for the performance of liquid blankets in fusion reactors. Also, tritium measurements will be required in order to proof tritium self-sufficiency in liquid metal breeding systems. On-line hydrogen (isotopes) sensors must be design and tested in order to accomplish these goals. Potentiometric hydrogen sensors for molten lithium-lead eutectic have been designed at the Electrochemical Methods Lab at Institut Quimic de Sarria (IQS) at Barcelona and are under development and qualification. The probes are based on the use of solid state electrolytes and works as proton exchange membranes (PEM). In this work the following compounds: BaZr0.9Y0.1O3, BaCe0.6Zr0.3Y0.1O3-α, Sr(Ce0.6-Zr0.4)0.9Y0.1O 3-α and Sr3Fe1.8Co2O 7 have been synthesized in order to be tested as PEM H-probes. Potentiometric measurements of the synthesized ceramic elements at 500 C have been performed at a fixed hydrogen concentration. The sensors constructed using the proton conductor elements BaZr0.9Y0.1O3, BaCe0.6Zr0.3Y0.1O3-δ and Sr3Fe1.8Co0.2O7-δ exhibited stable output potential and its value was close to the theoretical value calculated with the Nernst equation (deviation around 60 mV). In contrast, the sensor constructed using the proton conductor element Sr(Ce0.6- Zr0.4)0.9Y0.1O3-δ showed a deviation higher than 100 mV between experimental an theoretical data.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2431-2435
Number of pages5
JournalFusion Engineering and Design
Issue number9-10
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2013
Event27th Symposium On Fusion Technology - Liege - Belgium, Liege , Belgium
Duration: 24 Sept 201228 Sept 2012
Conference number: 27


  • Hydrogen
  • Liquid blanket
  • Proton conducting ceramics
  • Sensor
  • Tritium


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