¿Por qué no se separan? Aplicando la teoría de Fairbairn al caso de una mujer maltratada

Montse Davins , Víctor Hernández, Berta Aznar Martínez, Carlos Perez Testor, Inés Aramburu Alegret

Research output: Not indexed journal articleArticle


Clinical experience with abused women leads us to ask ourselves about the
difficulties that some of them have with separating from their partner, and about
the nature of this fixation and this extreme dependence on the other. Firstly,
theoretical research from the psychoanalytical perspective is displayed in order to,
secondly, show a clinical case of a battered woman, which, after being read and
understood from Fairbairn’s theory, allows us to clarify some of the unconscious
dynamisms in intimate partner violence. His model shows that a certain environmental
influence forms and gives form to the subject’s internal structure,
while the classical theories assume that the masochistic behaviour that
characterizes abused women is essentially a variety of the instinctive expression.
Original languageSpanish
Number of pages30
Specialist publicationTemas de Psicoanálisis
PublisherSociedad Española de Psicoanálisis (SEP)
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2014

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