Perfil fisiológico del bailarín

Research output: Indexed journal article Article


Dance is a physical activity shortli on the medical point of view.
We have studied 50 dancers, most ofthen were women, who had to answer a questionnaire and went to a physical exam. They wer 16-33 years old and all of .them had a good professionallevel. 30 of them made some laboratory proves to determine their V02 max., anaerobic threshold, and to do an anthropometric study.
The mean values of V02 max. (women: 37.7 rnl/kg/min, men: 44.6 rnl/kg/min) were of a medium-Iow level, comparing them with those of other sportmen, but they were higher than those of sedentary people. So, dance can be recornmended as an altematif way to ameliorate the physical condition.
The body fat percentage was fairly inferior that in sedentary people and good sportmen, and maximal puissance in wattswas good in relation to fue body weight. Whe found a high incidence of ankle, foot, lumbar and cervical raquis disorders muscular and tendinons injuries, menstrual disor- ders and primary amenorrhea.
Original languageSpanish
Pages (from-to)57-62
Number of pages6
JournalArchivos de medicina del deporte
Issue number21
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 1989


  • Dance
  • Anaerobic threshold
  • Ergometry
  • Body fat

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