Painting simplicity: Learning from Valentine's case

Lluís Martínez Ribes, Paulina Salazar

Research output: Conference paperContribution


To understand is better than to see. Almost nobody doubts of the importance of innovation for retail success. It is also evident that the shopping experience plays a key role in stimulating customers not only to purchase once, but also to return. The challenge is to decide which road is better when going-to-the-innovation in retailing and also to create a no nonsense shopping experience. This paper is about a real retail case that demonstrates a proven holistic method to create innovation in retailing, including a meaningful shopping experience. One of the focal points of this document is how to detect shopper insights and use them as inspiration for the starting point as well as for the rest of the process, until the goal of creating a meaningful and attractive shopping experience is achieved.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2 Mar 2009
Externally publishedYes
EventPainting simplicity: Learning from Valentine's case. Retail and Shopper, London 2009. - London, United Kingdom
Duration: 2 Mar 20094 Mar 2009


WorkshopPainting simplicity: Learning from Valentine's case. Retail and Shopper, London 2009.
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


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