Moltacte: human centered social enterprise

L. Hehenberger, Suzanne Jeanette Jenkins, A. Vernis Domènech

Research output: Case study


The main objective of this case is to reflect upon innovative management models being developed or adopted by purpose-driven businesses that strive to balance the need for profit with a clarity of purpose, leveraging the concept of Teal organizations. Specifically, students will: - Discuss what it means to put people-especially the "beneficiaries" the social enterprise aims to serve-at the center of the solution or organization - Understand and incorporate the main innovations of Teal organizations in a social enterprise: self-management, wholeness, and evolutionary purpose - Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of applying such innovations in social enterprises aiming to put the people they serve at the center - Reflect on scaling impact beyond growing the social enterprise itself, including influencing society and larger corporations - Reflect individually on the kind of leader each student wants to be
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2021


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